Hi, my name is Marta Pinto Basto
I'm the Developer you are looking for.

Let's talk!

About me

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After starting off as a Social Media Coordinator, I spent lockdown learning Python, Javascript and React to transition into the universe of Web Development. Throughout this process, I grew to love this field and created projects that make my parents proud.

Growing up, my parents always encouraged me to develop a creative side, so I learned to play guitar and piano(I've also been accused of being a good singer!), as well as foreign languages such as French. This lead me to get a degree in Modern Languages.

My hunger for knowledge has contributed to the progress of my career over the years. Having a positive attitude and tireless energy at the workplace, helped my team to succeed. Recently, I developed an organisation method that improves the way my team accesses reviews for reporting purposes, which has massively increased our productivity.

My partner and I recently moved to the Lake District. I love the outdoors and occasionally do a bit of hiking, but I also enjoy reading or a good gaming session at the end of the day!

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Harvey, the face-detecting dinosaur

Harvey is a dinosaur that detects faces in pictures. She can also count the number of images users submitted in the form. Created as a final project for the Web Developer course I took in October/November 2021. Front-end built with ReactJS, NodeJS, HTML and CSS. Back-end has a database created with PostgreSQL and tested using Postman. App deployed on Heroku.

See Live Source Code(Front-End) Source Code(Back-end)
Project Image

Background Generator

Background Generator is a nice and easy tool that allows users to create a gradient background for websites. When the user chooses their two desired colors, the background generator will provide the respective CSS code, which can be copied and used at will.

See Live Source Code
Project Image

Penrith - Hub of the Eden Valley

Grabbed the content of the original touristic page and modernised it using Bootstrap and Creative Tim templates. It's a work in progress.

See Live Source Code
Project Image

Startup Event of the Year

Landing page for a startup event. It is my first interaction with MailChimp and a deeper dive into HTML and CSS. This page was built for educational purposes.

See Live Source Code
Project Image


Got a project in mind or want to learn more? Feel free to reach out.

Drop me an email!